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Angular Reactive Forms - Fundamentals
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CAPITOLO 1: Angular 15, RxJS 7 & Reactive Forms
01. Introduzione a RxJS (15:39)
02. HTML Native Events in Typescript (2:11)
03. From Vanilla JavaScript to RxJS (2:12)
04. Pipeable RxJS operators (3:46)
05. Creare un progetto Angular 15 (2:00)
06. Angular, @ViewChild, Component LifeCycle & Input Text (3:29)
07. TypeScript Strict Mode, Optional Chaining & Non-Null Assertion Operators (5:04)
08. Creare Form reattivi in Angular con l'operatore fromEvent (2:21)
09. FormControl - Il mio primo Reactive Form (3:22)
10. RxJs Operators: work with data, debounceTime, distinct & distinctUntilChanged (6:07)
11. REST API, HttpClient & Reactive Forms (2:18)
12. Bad Practice: evitare subscribe all'interno di altre subscribe (3:32)
13. Flattening Operators: esempio con mergeMap (1:56)
14. Gestione errori in RxJS 7 (5:45)
15. Typing (2:35)
16. Display Data (5:08)
17. Pipe Async e richieste HTTP multiple (4:59)
18. Considerazioni Finali (1:49)
19. Dependency Injection (DI), Services e Reactive Forms (1:55)
Capitolo 1: QUIZ
CAPITOLO 2: Typed Form Control
01. Form Control & initial values (1:38)
02. Typed Forms: default value, nonNullable & reset (1:55)
03. setValue and type forms (1:17)
04. dirty, touched and FormControls properties (1:43)
05. Validators (3:11)
06. Pattern Validators con regular expression (0:52)
07. Messaggi di errori personalizzati (7:01)
08. Creare animazioni sulla base messaggi di errore (6:27)
09. creare il component "error-bar" (3:56)
10. Creare un componente riutilizzabile per visualizzazione errori (2:16)
11. Performance e creazione Custom Pipe (3:29)
12. Utilizzo di Generics & Custom Types con i FormControl (2:53)
Capitolo 2: QUIZ
CAPITOLO 3: Typed Form Group
01. Create a Form with multiple Form Control elements (2:31)
02. Typed Form Group (6:44)
03. Type Form, setValue and patchValue (1:51)
04. Typed Form Builder e proprietà nonNullable (2:29)
05. FormBuilder, valueChanges e mergeMap (2:24)
06. La proprietà updateOn (1:28)
07. La funzione "get"per recuperare le istanze dei FormControl (2:22)
08. Disabilitare FormControl a runtime, value vs getRawValue (5:06)
09. Migliorare la UI utilizzando un framework (2:06)
10. Custom Form control errors (5:06)
11. RegEx e "pattern" Validator (1:38)
12. Custom Validator (3:16)
13. Reactive Forms & custom ngModules (3:17)
14. Reactive Forms e "Standalone" components (2:19)
15. Button type: submit and button (2:32)
16. Form Group, Custom Type & Generics (2:01)
Capitolo 3: QUIZ
CAPITOLO 4: Reactive Forms & Angular Material
01. Installare e configurare Angular Material (1:51)
02. Hello Angular Material (3:41)
03. Form Builder e matInput (1:57)
04. Il componente matCheckbox (1:25)
05. Il componente Date Picker (3:08)
06. Submit & Reset (5:12)
07. Fix Pulsante Clear (1:05)
Capitolo 4: QUIZ
CAPITOLO 5: Esercizio
Angular Template su StackBlitz
Esercizio CRUD: versione incompleta
Esercizio CRUD: soluzione
01. Create a Form with multiple Form Control elements
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