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Angular Evolution
01. Introduzione al corso Angular Evolution (4:47)
02. I contenuti del corso (4:55)
03. 🏴☠️ Pirateria 🏴☠️: non condividere l'account e non copiare i video! (1:23)
Change LOG / Aggiornamenti
Estensione per Teachable: Video Responsive (0:07)
01. Angular &. TypeScript Essentials
01. Creare un progetto standalone (v.17) (8:13)
01 (INTEGRAZIONE) Creare un progetto standalone con Angular v.19 (2:17)
CheatSheet PDF: Standalone Projects
02. Interpolation - Template Tags (3:06)
03. Events (1:23)
04. Class Methods (0:58)
05. Property Binding e Dynamic Attributes (4:16)
06. CSS Esterni (2:34)
07. CSS Styles nello stesso file (1:33)
08. Dynamic class names con [class.Name] (2:26)
09. Dynamic Attributes and Class Methods (2:38)
10. La direttiva ngClass (2:24)
11. ngclass - obj, array, stringhe (0:59)
12. inline-style (1:33)
13. style suffix operator (1:42)
14. ngStyle (1:45)
15. Bootstrap CSS via CDN (2:42)
16. Bootstrap CSS via npm (5:07)
APPROFONDIMENTO: il file angular.json (2:59)
17. Tailwind CSS (5:12)
18. Tailwind Global css (3:35)
19. Daisy UI and Tailwind (2:28)
20. MouseEvent, event$ e types - creare una tooltip (6:47)
21. Keyboard events and event target (5:52)
QUIZ: Angular Fundamentals - Pt. 1
22. TemplateReference Variable (2:33)
23. ViewChild and Template Reference Variables (5:19)
24. Component LIfecycle - AfterViewInit and strict null check (3:18)
25. Pipes (5:57)
26. CommonModule (1:00)
27. Image and Local Assets (1:36)
28. ngIf (2:26)
29. ngFor, contextual props e typed array (2:49)
30. ngSwitch, union type e strict mode (3:50)
31. ngSwitch, ngFor, Literal Types e Union (3:44)
32. Esempio - Mini Slide Gallery (3:52)
33. Esempio - TodoList (9:59)
34. Esempio - ToDoList With Immutability (4:23)
34B - Validazioni
35. Angular Dev Tools - Profiler - Analisi Change Detection (5:28)
36. Angular Dev Tools - Components (1:49)
QUIZ: Angular Fundamentals - Pt. 2
02. Signals
01. Introduzione ai Signal (5:08)
02. Signal: set e update (3:25)
03. Signals: Effects (2:22)
04. Change Detection e Performance (3:40)
05. Computed Property e Signal Derivati (4:00)
06. Inner Computed Signals - Ottimizzare ulteriormente le prestazioni (2:40)
CheatSheet PDF: Signals
QUIZ: Signals
07. Linked Signals (Angular v.19) (1:25)
03. Control Flow Syntax e Signals
01. ngIf e Signals (1:25)
02. ngFor e Signals (1:03)
03. @if block (2:07)
04. @Switch block - wizard multi step (1:53)
05. @for e @empty blocks (3:07)
06. @for e computed Signals (1:41)
07. Contextual Variables, @If inside @for (0:51)
08. Multiple SIgnals - create a tabbar navigation (2:47)
09. Todo List with signals (5:55)
QUIZ: Control Flow
04. Standalone Components Fundamentals
01. Creare un componente "Phone" riutilizzabile (4:01)
02. Input Properties (2:53)
03. Input required (0:47)
04. Input Transform (1:32)
05. Input Transform booleanAttribute (1:57)
06. Input Transform numberAttribute (1:52)
07. Transform and TypeScript: literal types e union (2:24)
08. Input Alias (0:41)
09. External Templates (1:12)
10. Angular Dev Tools (0:33)
11. Component LifeCycle - ngOnInit e ngOnDestroy (4:03)
12. Component LifeCycle - ngOnChanges (7:03)
13. Input Setters (1:53)
14. Ottimizzazione performance con ChangeDetection onPush e Immutability (5:19)
CheatSheet PDF: Standalone Components
QUIZ: standalone components - Pt. 1
05. Reusable Components
01. TimeLine Component (7:26)
02. Accordion Component (7:15)
03. Alert Component - Output Event Emitter (4:30)
04. Alert - ngContent (1:59)
05. Alert - inputs (0:49)
06.Alert - Variants (1:49)
07. Alert - Icons - ngSwitch (1:56)
08. Alert - Customize Buttons (0:42)
09. Alert - Icon - Children Components (2:00)
10. Alert - Dynamic SVG Path con [attr.prop] - property vs attribute (3:54)
11. DropDown Component (3:55)
12. DropDown - posizionamento e apertura al click o al rollover (3:56)
13. Dropdown- event con params (1:56)
14. Dropdown- trick per forzare la chiusura (2:40)
15. Raggruppare componenti in uno Shared Module è una bad practice! (5:37)
16. Signal Inputs (v.17.1)
QUIZ: standalone components - Pt. 2
06. Router e MultiView Applications
01. Creazione Componenti (2:33)
02. Router Outlet (4:05)
03. Navigation Bar e direttive router (5:51)
04. Lazy Loading, Bundle & Chunks (6:15)
05. Export Routes as Default (0:56)
06. Router Event, RxJS e Inject (4:05)
APPROFONDIMENTI RxJS e promozione corso (15:39)
07. ActivateRoute Service, RxJS e Router Data Property (4:17)
08. Router Params e RxJS (3:37)
09. withComponentInputBinding - data e params - the NEW WAY (1:44)
10. Nested Routes - creare lo showcase dello UIKIT (8:07)
11. Functional Router Guard (3:27)
12. View Transition API (1:13)
QUIZ: router
07. HttpClient e REST API
01. DI, provideHttpClient e HttpClient (5:39)
02. HttpClient and Types (4:29)
03. Http Client e @for (0:37)
04. HttpClient, RxJS e Async (3:46)
05. HttpClient and Signals (1:02)
06. HttpClient, RxJS e ToSignal (6:01)
07. ToDo List - p1 - Panoramica (3:14)
08. ToDo List - p2 - HttpClient e JSON-Server (6:50)
09. Todo List - gestione errori (4:31)
10. Functional Http Interceptor (5:00)
11. Interceptor - Gestione errori (5:05)
Quiz: HttpClient e RxJS
12. Resource API - Fetch Data (Angular v.19) (3:55)
13. Resource API with async await (0:28)
14. Resource API - Reload data (0:29)
15. Resource API e la proprietà request - Invocare il loader sulla base di un Signal (3:09)
16. Resource API - Abort Signal (1:41)
17. Resource API e RxJS con rxResource (2:43)
18. rxResource e forkJoin - multiple http requests (3:56)
08. Refactoring
01. Creazione Component Shared - Http Error (2:27)
02. Todo List - suddivisione in componenti (0:51)
03. Summary Component (2:20)
04. Todo Form Component (3:14)
05. Todo List Component (4:11)
06. Stateful vs Stateless components (3:25)
07. Dependency Injection - API Service (6:12)
08. Dependency Injection - State e API (4:20)
09. Performance e Change Detection Strategy onPush (2:55)
10. DI e Component Providers (2:47)
09. State Management con Signals e Dependency Injection
01. Creazione Nuovo Progetto (3:51)
02. La pagina Shop (3:51)
03. Share State con Service e Signal- global cart (5:00)
04. Service e Computed properties (2:53)
05. Cart Page: template syntax blocks and signals (2:51)
06. Share Service tra componenti: Settings Service (3:01)
07. Setting Service: update Signals (1:35)
08. Editor Component (4:12)
09. Preview Component (3:29)
10. Ottimizzazione - Ridurre i render con le Computed Properties (2:54)
11. Ottimizzazione TypeScript - astrazione (1:26)
12. Ottimizzazione TypeScript - type safed keys con TypeScript keyof (1:41)
13. Ottimizzazione TypeScript - generics e type safe value (4:54)
14. cleancode e minor fixes (1:23)
16. Providers e Gerarchia Injector (3:50)
15. Ottimizzazione - ChangeDetection onPush e performance (3:05)
QUIZ: Dependency Injection
10. Deploy
01. Versionamento di un progetto Angular 17 su GitHub (1:52)
02. Deploy su Vercel (4:25)
03. Deploy su GitHub Pages (6:23)
11. Deferrable Views
01. Creazione Progetto (2:35)
02. Creare "Utility components": Box e VSpace (2:04)
03. Deferrable Views con @defer e "when" (4:22)
04. @defer: on interaction e @placeholder (1:24)
05. @defer - on viewport (1:22)
06. @defer - on ViewPort Trigger (1:36)
07. @defer - on Timer (1:28)
08. @defer - @loading and @error (1:53)
QUIZ: Deferrable Views
BONUS - 12. Autenticazione con Auth0
Introduzione ad Auth0 (4:29)
01. Creare il progetto Angular Standalone (1:39)
02. Configurare Auth0 dalla dashboard (3:09)
03. Installare e Configurare Auth0 SDK for Angular (1:52)
04. Login con Auth0 - Google Provider (3:19)
05. Login e Logout con Auth0 e RxJS (3:47)
06. Login e LogOut con Signals (1:10)
07. Get User Profile (3:07)
08. User Profile con Signals e Computed Signals (1:27)
09. CORS e Auto-Login (1:31)
10. Auth0 e Router Guards (1:09)
11. Auth0 Interceptor (3:49)
12. Social Connection - Facebook Provider (2:24)
13. LocalStorage e Problemi con Silent Authentication (1:12)
14. Refresh Token (3:47)
BONUS - 13. Component Testing con Cypress
Angular - 01. creazione progetto (3:31)
Angular - 02 - Creare il componente Panel (7:15)
Angular - 03 - Scrivere il test per il Componente (10:51)
Promozione Corso Cypress
BONUS - 14: Angular SSR
Introduzione: differenze tra CSR, SSR e SSG (7:42)
01. Creare un progetto con supporto SSR-SSG (3:15)
02. Gestione Router (1:38)
03. SSG - Build Static Apps (1:15)
04. HttpClient, withFetch e SSG (7:06)
05. isPlatformBrowser (3:46)
06. afterNextRender in Components (3:02)
07. afterNextRender in custom directives (4:10)
08. DOM, Signal e Injection (3:25)
09. DOM, Multiple Service e Server Config (3:11)
10. Mixed Mode - SSR e SSG nella stessa applicazione (4:29)
Signal Inputs - Weather Component (v.17.1) (11:38)
Utilizzare una CDN (ImageEngine) con direttiva NgOptimizedImage (19:33)
13. style suffix operator
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