Talks, speech e webinars su Angular e React
Creati da Fabio Biondi (Google Expert)
Una raccolta di materiale su Javascript, Angular, React, Redux, NGRX, RxJS, realizzato per i miei webinars, talks, meetup, eventi e conferenze
Contenuti del corso
Visualizzaesbuild e React: il module bundler usato da ViteJS (40:12)
ApriNextJS, Tailwind & Vercel: creare siti e app performanti e SEO friendly non è mai stato così facile (40:14)
ApriIntroduzione a Redux Toolkit (state management in React) (27:08)
VisualizzaVideo: Novità in React 16.6: lazy, memo, suspence, context, lifecycle and refs (20:28)
ApriVideo: React 16.7.0-alpha - I nuovi hook nei componenti funzionali (15:18)
ApriSlides: React JXS & Top Level API (ENG)
ApriRaspberry & Angular con Python, Firebase, Google API (33:50)
ApriAngular vs React: quale scegliere? (55:09)
ApriAngular & NGRX: migrare un'applicazione Angular basata sui service ad una NGRX (31:54)
ApriSlides: Angular Reactive Forms: real world examples (ENG)
ApriSlides: Angular & RxJS: real world examples (ENG)
ApriVideo: Angular Day Keynote - il favoloso mondo mondo di Angular 6 (27:15)
ApriSlides: Video: Angular Day Keynote - il favoloso mondo mondo di Angular 6 (ENG)
Profilo Istruttore
Fabio is both a community leader and a frequent contributor in many Italian front-end usergroups (Angular, React, Javascript). He’s a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies / Angular and Microsoft MVP with more than 15 years of experience in developing enterprise level applications, interactive experiences and UI components in several languages and web technologies.
Currently, he holds meetups, events and training courses all over Italy.
His particular specialism is front-end applications and related aspects, both visuals and architectural. He daily uses cutting-edge libraries and frameworks offering training, development, code review and consulting on Angular, React, Typescript/ES6, Redux, NGRX, RxJS, D3.js and several other web technologies
- Front-end Group (Telegram)
- Angular Developers Italiani (Facebook)
- Javascript Developers Italiani (Facebook)
- React Developer Italiani (Facebook)
- Opportunità per Developer Italiani (Facebook)